Sunday, 27 October 2019

Game Design Document

Thoughts and Ideas:

I am quite confident in my game so far. I have decided to remove the 'enemies attacking' aspect from the game as I have begun to make my game and the enemies do not fit well. However I still believe I have a good idea on the game itself. It will stay a first person game however now it will not includes enemies only a timer.

Here is my link to my GDD which includes more details about my game.

I am still working on some details for the game but they are minor details such as the home screen graphics, end screen graphics and music. As mentioned in my GDD, I have a simple idea for the opening home screen. I am not fully set on this idea but I do want to keep it simple and include some low, eerie music in the background along with a ticking sound.

Opening Screen Idea. (Source)


  1. Hi Ingrida,
    I really like how you incorporated everything that we have learned in Unity into a game. I found your game to be unique and I believe you will do an amazing job with the game.
    Best of luck to your game and the rest of the semester.

  2. Hello Ingrida, I admire your choice to incorporate all that you have learned from Unity. I think this will really help in the long run in creating your ideal game. I hope all of your final choices that you decide to put forward for your game really come to fruition and make a great game. Best of luck in the forseeable future.

  3. Hi Ingrida
    I appreciate that you are putting what you have learned from unity into your game and can honestly say your process overall the past few weeks is looking great. I hope it works out overall in the long run but don't see why it would not to be honest.Best of luck in the coming weeks I am sure you will do great overall.


  4. Hi Ingrida, after reading through your Game Design Document I have to say you definitely know where your going with it which is great. It's very good that your going back ans from Unity because it makes you understand it a lot more. The idea over all is great and I think the end game outcome will be very good. I hope it all goes good!
