Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Unity Tutorial 05

Coding collectable items.

In this weeks Unity Tutorial 05, I learned how to make a dynamic curser, pickable objects, weapons and lastly layers.

In the first tutorial it was interesting to learn how to make another curser as it adds that little bit extra to the game! The most challenging thing for me would be working with scripts which is something you must do when making a game. When creating pickable objects we had to use C# and I find this always the more difficult part. However this tutorial is essential to my game because it shows me how to create a curser that has text and be able to pick up and remove items once collected.

In the second tutorial we learnt how to create weapons. We firstly created a fence that you are not able to pass through. This is helpful as I will be creating fences and walls for my own game. Then we began to create the weapons itself. The weapon was created in first person and that as well is a tutorial I could use for my own game. It was quite complicated however in the end, after much trial and error, I was successful (kind of!)

I think these tutorials were extremely beneficial to me as they are the things I will be needing in my own game and therefore I can go back to re-watch them when creating my game.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ingrida,
    I am glad that you are doing well in your subject and you are able to find out how to code and even advance in skills even though it looks like you are a naturally born game maker but I still hope your main game turns out the way you envisioned it.

