Saturday 2 November 2019

Unity Free Tutorials

The tutorials I followed were Main Menu Tutorial and Main Menu Tutorial 2 because I have decided to include a main menu screen for my game.  

In these two tutorials we learnt how to make a main menu screen for a game. We had to create a new scene in order to make a main menu. The first tutorial was simple, it showed how to include the titles and a side menu.

Simple Main Menu.

In the first tutorial there were some issues with having the button fade in and out when hoovered over. It took a while to get it figured out, which was quite annoying when watching the video as I would have hoped he would film the video but remove scenes such as these as they only take up time and have me follow the mistakes as well. 

However, later on it was shown to be a glitch in Unity itself, this was also very annoying and time consuming. It proved that black was a difficult colour, causing many troublesome problems. This is unfortunate as I did want my game to have black buttons, but I have decided on different colours – #F3F3F3 for the background to replace black and #5C3232 and #952828 for the button clicks.
In the second tutorial we learnt how to make the main menu more advanced, such as adding an animated scene in the background and include a fade in/fade out logo. 

We had to create a new terrain and lay it out as we wished to create the scene we wanted. It incorporated a lot of old tutorials.

More Advanced Main Menu.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Heya Ingrida!
    Having read your blog post, I have to admit that not once have I thought about the main menu for my game, even though it's kinda important. It's interesting to see how you made the camera look into the game world with the buttons laid over it. Looking forward to seeing more :)
    P.S. ignore the comment above, my blogger got all weird
