Wednesday 4 December 2019


I am now almost finished my game. I have a few bugs I want to fix and maybe add a few more improvements however I am very happy with how my game has progressed and what I have finished with. I am aware it is not the best game with a lot of detail however I think for a first game I did quite well.

As a recap, and a massive update from my initial plan from the start of the year, my game is a first player puzzle game. You have a light torch, a timer and collectable counter. As the timer ticks you must find your way around the four areas of the terrain and collect as many gems as you can. There are no enemies, only a countdown. 

Some new things I have included are the torch (as suggested from feedback! thank you!) and a fog around the area. 

I am quite happy with my game output and I hope that you all enjoy playing it. It has been difficult trying to make this game however I am very happy to be finished and am quite pleased with the outcome of the game even though it did not follow the initial plan fully. 

DeadSky by B00117691.


  1. Hey Ingrida,

    I love the sound of your game and I think it'll be a definite one to go to on Wednesday!

    I don't think I've ever played a game like it before so I'm excited to give it a try.

    From what I've read most people have deferred from their original game plans, but I see no problem with this as long as everyone is happy with the results.

    Great job,


  2. Hi ingrida.
    I loved reading your post today , it was very well written and very enjoyable to read. I think your game idea is very intriguing and I really look forward to seeing it next week.
    Good luck on finishing this semester. hope it goes good for you
    regards Aaron C

  3. Hey Ingrida,

    Congrats on nearly completing your game! (The sense of relief for one module's workload among the thousands of other things we need to stress about is just great, isn't it?). I like how you've added a reminder at the beginning of the blog post, great idea, saved a lot of reading and time to remind readers of your game and the process.

    You seem very happy with your game and I'm delighted for you, it sounds really good from the description you've provided and I cannot wait to see what it's like on Wednesday for the presentations!

    See you then,

    BLC Blogging.

  4. Well a good day to you Ingrida,

    Well, well, well I must say that it has been a really fun and exciting journey to read through the development of your epic journey through your amazing game concept that you have developed through the last few weeks and I must say that your game demo was truly fantastic to see in full and I did very much enjoy seeing how it all played out in the end. I look forward to what the future may have in store for you when it comes to the like of game concepts.


    P.S thanks for the helpful comments from the other day they helped me in some capacity.
