Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Unity Tutorial 02

Before beginning our first Unity tutorial for the new semester we were told to choose between two options to explore this semester.

  1. Unity Design, Develop and Deploy for VR.
  2. Unity Create with Code.
At first I thought of trying out Unity Design, Develop and Deploy for VR - however, for some unknown reason I was unable to get any of the tutorials working. I tried setting my Unity ready for VR but nothing worked. So I moved onto Unity Create with Code instead.

Lesson 1.1 Start your 3D Engines:

This was the first tutorial was to import a vehicle, obstacle and moving the main camera to the back of the vehicle. This was a simple tutorial and I had no problems with it (besides adjusting the camera properly).

Unity Tutorial 1.1

Lesson 1.2 Pedal to the Metal:

Midway during the tutorial my Unity decided to stop working. Not only did this happen once, but it happened three times. Yes, three times. Whilst working on the second tutorial (when my Unity was not crashing and allowed me to work that is), I came across quite a few problems whilst working with C# script. One problem I was able to fix however there is still a problem in the script which I am hoping to fix with the next tutorial.

Unity Tutorial 1.2

Lesson 1.3 High Speed Chase:

In this last tutorial, upon starting the tutorial I was already faced with issues once again with the C# script. I received quite a number of coding errors and my vehicle did not move (nor could I play a preview of my game because these issues needed to be fixed before I could play). This tutorial overall seemed far more difficult than I had expected. A part of me still wants to try do VR rather than coding. I hope I am able to figure out the issue with Unity so that I am able to try VR next Unity Tutorials.

Unity Tutorial 1.3

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