Saturday, 19 October 2019

Game Vision Statement

Introduction: DeadSky is a first person game in which you must collect all hidden items while defeating enemies, but don't run out of time or you start from scratch! It is a PC game designed using Unity that appeals to all audiences above the age of 16. It is a face-paced puzzle game.

Description: You land in an unknown area with timing slowly ticking away. As you race through the unknown world in search of hidden items you are faced with a dilemma - you are being attacked. You must face the enemies and continue on your quest to find each item but there's another catch... If you fail to do so it's back to square one. Collect all items and you pass, be killed by an enemy and it's back to the beginning or run out of time and game over. Be careful on how you play.

Key Features:

  • First person game.
  • Exploration.
  • Timed gameplay.
Genre: The game is a first person survival puzzle game. The game focuses on a timed countdown, defeating enemies and collecting all items while exploring the gameplay world.

Resources Required: Some resources that would be required are: tutorials on creating this specific gameplay, textures for the world and characters/enemies. All these can be obtained and/or made! Resources that will need to be made are the objects in the game which the player needs to collect, the surrounding landscape and any walls/ponds that will hide the objects, enemies the player must defeat, and the character which the player is currently playing with.

Target Market: This game is targeted towards players who enjoying puzzles, exploration and fast paced games. It is only for players 16+ dues to the violence contained in the game.

Gameplay: The gameplay will be fast-paced as the player will be faced with a timer and obstacles throughout the gameplay. The player must explore all areas of the generated world in order to obtain the items in the world before the timer has run out. While doing so they will be faced with enemies that they will have to defeat in order to continue playing the game and finding items.

Gameplay Idea. (Source)



  1. Hi Ingrida,

    I'm really intrigued by your game idea! The genre of a fast paced puzzle survival game is something I dont think I've played before and I think it's very unique and would turn out to be an awesome game.
    Regarding the setting of the game, I wonder how the player ends up in this unknown place. How did the player end up in this situation? I am interested to know a little bit behind the setting of the game and why the player ended up here. Is the element of unknown territory purely to add to the intensity of the game or is there more to it plot wise?
    This game will presumably rely heavily on the collection of items to clear it- what if the items have some sort of significance to the world of the game? I feel that having items of significance to collect rather than random items would add potential world building and little plot opportunities to the game!

    I'm looking forward to seeing the development of this game!


  2. Hey Ingrida,

    I am really interested by your game idea. The genre you mentioned about a fast paces puzzle survival game which I am very surprised that you went for that choice but it is a very unique game that has also been played a lot and popular, so I am sure it will turn out to be an amazing game.

    I was wondering how will you portray the unknown place and how the player ended up there. How will you be able to show the story. Is there going to be some type of monologue to help ease people into it.

    I noticed since its a survival game and you never specified how the terrain would look but what if you had a few skyscrapers to climb it would make it more exciting than being on the ground all the time also you can see the map from a high point of view.

    The game was based around finding items, so I was wondering what if you had a map that you can use almost like a compass and whenever you come close to the item that needs to be found you the number decreases.


  3. Hi Ingrida,

    I was wondering how you are going to be attacking your enemies? Will this be with weapons you find along your journey or is it your bare hands. I think it could be good to identify what exactly you will be fighting enemies with. I think you probably already know but may have forgot to mention it.

    I was wondering are your collectible items going to be all different and if so, will each one link into your storyline in some way. I think this would be good as when people do find an item, they will be able to relate back to your storyline. This will help people become more invested in your game if you keep them fascinated by your storyline.

    The puzzles you have mentioned that will be in your game, are these going to be little mini games or involve moving game objects? It would give me a better idea of what the game would look like if these were defined. I think your general idea is great though. I hope you have fun making it.

    I look forward to reading more of your blogs.


  4. Hi Ingrida,

    I really like Game Vision ! It's clear that you've thought very hard about your game even the ages and all! I like how the idea of the fast pace puzzle survival game.

    I do wonder how the player will attack the enemies or are they not allowed to ? Can I trick the enemies into a puzzle and by completing it will kill said enemies ?

    Anyway can't wait to read your blog again in the future !

    Sarah H
